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Action 1

1 completed dissertation

4 conference presentations

2 publications

PhD Thesis: Michaela Nerantzini (defended in 4.7.2013). Syntactic impairments in Greek aphasia: Evidence from production and comprehension. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Supervisor: Prof. Spyridoula Varlokosta, Members of the PhD Advisor Committee: Prof. Roelien Bastiaanse, University of Groningen; Assist. Prof. Despina Papadopoulou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Nerantzini, M., Varlokosta, S., Papadopoulou, D., & Beretta, Assessing sentence comprehension abilities: A test for Relativized Minimality. Poster presentation at the 13th Science of Aphasia, Groningen, The Netherlands. 7-9 September 2012.

Fyndanis, V., Nerantzini, M., Pavlidou, C., Mihali, T., & Varlokosta, S. Production of functional categories in non-fluent agrammatic aphasia and task related processing demands: The role of ±distant cues. Oral and poster presentation at the 31st European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy. 21-25 January 2013.

Tsapkini, K. Transcranial magnetic stimulation in primary progressive aphasia. Preliminary results and challenges. Invited talk at the Workshop on the Interdisciplinary Study of Aphasia II – UoA-Thales-Aphasia, University of Athens, Athens. 27 June 2015.

Nerantzini, M., Fyndanis, V., Terzi, A., & Varlokosta, S. Case and agreement in Greek aphasia: Evidence from comprehension. Poster presentation at the 16th Science of Aphasia, University of Aveiro, Portugal. 17-22 September 2015.

Varlokosta, S., Nerantzini, M., Papadopoulou, D., Bastiaanse, R. & Beretta, A. (2014). Minimality effects in agrammatic comprehension: The role of lexical restriction and feature impoverishment. Lingua, 148, 80-94. [dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2014.05.013]

Nerantzini, M., Varlokosta, S., Papadopoulou, D. & Bastiaanse, R. (2014). Wh-questions and relative clauses in Greek aphasia: Evidence from comprehension and production. Aphasiology, 28(4), 490-514. [DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2013.870966]

Action 2

2 publications










1 corpus (aphasic speech)

Kakavoulia, M., Stamouli, S., Foka-Kavalieraki, G., Economou, A., Protopapas, A., & Varlokosta, S. (2014). A battery for the elicitation of narrative discourse from Greek speakers with aphasia: Principles, methodological issues, and preliminary results. GLoSSoLoGia 22, 41–60. [in Greek]

Varlokosta, S., Stamouli, S., Karasimos, A., Markopoulos, G., Kakavoulia, M., Nerantzini, M., Pantoula, A., Fyndanis, V., Economou, A., & Protopapas, A. (2016). A Greek corpus of aphasic discourse: Collection, transcription, and annotation specifications. In D. Kokkinakis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2016 Workshop: Resources and Processing of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Data from People with Various Forms of Cognitive/Psychiatric Impairments (RaPID) 2016. Available PDF at www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2016/index.html

Greek Corpus of Aphasic Discourse (GREECAD)

Action 3

1 completed dissertation

1 conference presentation

PhD Thesis: Christoforos Routsis (under submission). Disentangling object and action processing deficits in patients with stroke aphasia and patients with primary progressive aphasia in the context of the mirror-neurons theory: Clinical, neuropsychological and neuroimaging correlates. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Supervisor: Assit. Prof. Alexandra Economou, Members of the PhD Advisor Committee: Prof. Ilias Bezevegis, UoA; Assoc. Prof. Sokratis Papageorgiou, UoA. The Thesis will be submitted by mid December 2015 and will be defended by the end of January 2016.

Routsis, Ch., & Ecocomou A. How “handy ” is language? Normative data for Greek words employed in different semantic tasks with the THALES patients. Oral presentation at the Workshop on the Interdisciplinary Study of Aphasia II – UoA-Thales-Aphasia. University of Athens. Athens, 27 June 2015.

Action 4

1 conference presentation

Chatziantoniou L., Kasselimis D., Kyrozis A., Ghika A., Kourtidou P., Peppas C., Evdokimidis I., Potagas C. (2015). Lesion size and initial severity as predictors of aphasia outcome. Poster presentation at the 16th Science of Aphasia, University of Aveiro, Portugal. 17-22 September 2015.

Action 5

3 conference presentations

ASHA Convention, 14-16 November 2013, Chicago, USA: 1) The Stroke & Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39) in Greek: Psychometric Evaluation, Katerina Hilari (presenting author), Evangelia-Antonia Efstratiadou, Maria Ignatiou, Vasiliki Christaki, Evripidis Chelas, Ilias Papathanasiou 2) Elaborated Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Anomia: A Case Study in a Nonfluent Aphasic, Ilias Papathanasiou(presenting author), Evangelia-Antonia Efstratiadou, Anastasia Archonti, Katerina Hilari 3) Anomia Treatment With Parallel-Naming Task of Verb/Noun With Same Stem in Greek, Evaggelia- Antonia Efstratiadou (presenting author), Aggeliki Apalidou, Constantine Potagas, Ioannis Evdokimidis, Ilias Papathanasiou

International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, 18th-20th June 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands: Oral Presentation. Semantic feature analysis: an approach to treat comprehension deficits?, I .Papathanasiou (presenting author), A. Archonti, E. Efstratiadou, M., Atsidakou, K. Hilari

ASHA Convention, 12-14 November 2015, Denver, USA: 1) Poster Presentation. An evidence-based systematic review of the effectiveness of semantic feature analysis (SFA)” Hilari K. (presenting author), Efstratiadou E., Papathanasiou I. 2) Investigating the effectiveness of word level therapy in two different approaches.Efstratiadou E. (presenting author), Papathanasiou I., Hilari K.