Levels of impairment in Greek aphasia:
relationship with processing deficits, brain region and therapeutiv implications.
12-14 November, Denver, USA
Poster Presentations
Investigating the effectiveness of word level therapy in two different approaches
E. Efstratiadou, I. Papathanasiou, K. Hilari
An evidence-based systematic review of the effectiveness of semantic feature analysis(SFA)
K. Hilari, E. Efstratiadou, I .Papathanasiou
11 November 2015, Denver, USA
Improving the Quality of Life of People with Aphasia: What Can We Do About It?
Katerina Hilari
17 - 21 September, Aveiro, Portugal
Poster Presentations
Lesion size and initial severity as predictors of aphasia outcome
L. Chatziantoniou, D. Kasselimis, A. Kyrozis, A. Ghika, P. Kourtidou, Ch. Peppas, I. Evdokimidis, C. Potagas
Case and agreement in Greek aphasia: Evidence from comprehension
Michaela Nerantzini, Valantis Fyndanis, Arhonto Terzi and Spyridoula Varlokosta
16 - 19 September 2015, Berlin, Germany
Poster Presentation
Πολυεπίπεδη επισημείωση του Σώματος Κειμένων Αφασικού Λόγου (ΣΚΑΛ)
Georgios Markopoulos & Athanasios Karasimos
6th March 2015, London, UK
Poster Presentation
Valantis Fyndanisa, Paraskevi Christidou, Sokratis Papageorgiou, Spyridoula Varlokosta
20-22 November, Orlando, USA
Poster Presentations
Boston Diagnostic Assessment Examination and Boston Naming Test for Aphasia (short editions) in GreekPsychometric Evaluation
Atsidakou, M (presenting author), Siganou, Z., Skoulakari, I., Papathanasiou, I.
Semantic feature analysis: an approach to treat comprehension deficits?
I .Papathanasiou (presenting author), A. Archonti, E. Efstratiadou, M. Atsidakou, K. Hilari
19 - 24 September 2014, Venice, Italy
Poster Presentations
Structural case in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from Greek
Valantis Fyndanis, Michaela Nerantzini, Arhonto Terzi, Spyridoula Varlokosta
18th-20th June 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands
Semantic feature analysis: an approach to treat comprehension deficits?
I .Papathanasiou (presenting author), A. Archonti, E. Efstratiadou, M. Atsidakou, K. Hilari
14-16 November, Chicago, USA
Poster Presentations
The Stroke & Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39) in Greek: Psychometric Evaluation
Katerina Hilari (presenting author), Evangelia-Antonia Efstratiadou, Maria Ignatiou, Vasiliki Christaki, Evripidis Chelas, Ilias Papathanasiou
Elaborated Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Anomia: A Case Study in a Nonfluent Aphasic
Ilias Papathanasiou,(presenting author), Evangelia-Antonia Efstratiadou, Anastasia Archonti, Katerina Hilari
Anomia Treatment With Parallel-Naming Task of Verb/Noun With Same Stem in Greek
Evaggelia- Antonia Efstratiadou (presenting author), Aggeliki Apalidou, Constantine Potagas, Ioannis Evdokimidis, Ilias Papathanasiou
09-11 September 2013, University of Manchester, UK
Investigation of different therapy approaches for aphasia in the Greek language
E. Efstratiadou, A. Archonti, I. Papathanasiou, K. Hilari
21-25 January 2013, Bressanone Italy
Oral and Poster Presentation
Production of functional categories in non-fluent agrammatic aphasia and task related processing demands: The role of ±distant cues
Fyndanis, V., Nerantzini, M., Pavlidou, C., Mihali, T., & Varlokosta, S.
International Conference – NeuroPsychoLinguistic Perspectives on Aphasia
21-22-23 June 2012, University of Toulouse-II Le Mirail
Toulouse, France
Poster Presentations
Investigating the contribution of sentence length to verbal morphology deficits in non‐fluent aphasia
Fyndanis, V., Pavlidou, C., Nerantzini, M., Mihali, T. & Nasios, G.
Pronominal and anaphoric reference in agrammatic aphasia: Εvidence from Catalan and Greek
Nerantzini, M., Varlokosta, S., Papadopoulou, D. & Gavarró, A.
(Full Poster)
7 - 9 September 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands
Poster Presentations
Assessing sentence comprehension abilities: A test for Relativized Minimality
Michaela Nerantzini, Spyridoula Varlokosta, Despina Papadopoulou and Alan Beretta
Investigating the contribution of sentence length to verbal morphology deficits in non-fluent aphasia
Valantis Fyndanisa, Michaela Nerantzini, Chrysa Pavlidou, Thaleia Michali, Grigorios Nasios
Language Disorders in Greek
September 28th September 29th, 2012
Technological Educational Institute of Patras
Patras, Greece
Poster Presentation
Is clitic omission a clinical marker for Greek Specific Language Impairment?
S. Varlokosta, K. Konstantzou, M. Nerantzini